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Year R
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Elm Trees
Oak Trees
Sycamore Trees
Chestnut Trees
Lime Trees
Silver Birch Trees
Palm Trees
Maple Trees
Willow Trees
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Greenfields Community Primary School
Maple Trees
Geography 15
Geography hot task 14
Geography hot task 13
Geography hot task 12
Geography hot task 11
Geography hot task 10
Geography hot task 9
Geography hot task 7
Geography hot task 8
Geography hot task 6
Geography hot task 5
Geography hot task 4
Geography hot task 3
Geography hot task 2
Geography hot task 1
Geography cold task 14
Geography cold task 13
Geography cold task 12
Geography cold task 11
Geography cold task 10
Geography cold task 9
Geography cold task 8
Geography cold task 7
Geography Cold task 6
Geography Cold task 5
Geograhy Cold task 4
Geography Cold task 3
Geography Cold task 2
Geography Cold Task 1